Just a few things going on in our life at Pate-Meadows designs...
We Gotta Have a Blog, Cause Everyone Else Does!
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Pate-Meadows Designs
Well, here we go. We're gonna start a blog. This will give us a chance to tell a little bit about what is going on at Pate-Meadows. Maybe you will find something interesting.
Y'all know I'm all about pondering on ways to improve things ..... making my life easier or more comfortable..... We all get inspiration from from each other on Pinterest and Instagram. So one morning, while I was trying to relax OutOnThaPorch on my favorite swing bed to do my morning social media trolling...... and I say trying to because the sun was blinding me. I couldn't seem to get away from it no matter where I moved. Come to think of it, I noticed that during certain times of the year, standing at the kitchen sink in the morning is also terrible now. Turns out, the new, larger, open sections on the porch has opened up a can of worms. True, we have this wonderful new space and the view is fabulous all year long, BUT..... it just so happens, that during the exact time when I'm rushing around, washing breakfast dishes or having my coffee on the swing, the sun is unavoidable . I had to come up with ...
Hey Y'all !!!! Wooooo HOOOOOO !!! It's the first day of Spring ..... FINALLY .... I've been so hunkered down .... following rules ..... staying home and washing and washing and washing my hands .... This whole Covid crap has been like one of those horrible dreams. You know the kind .... the ones where you're paralyzed and you can't move - even though you are trying with all your might .... and even though you're screaming as hard as you can ..... nothing is coming out - but today .... the first day of Spring ..... I finally feel like I'm awake from this nightmare. So I got me some pansies (I know it's a little late for those) and a couple of lenten roses and added some cheer to my front porch. My inspiration came from two sources .... One came from my new best friend (she doesn't know she's my new best friend and we've never even met - or spoken for that matter .... but you know how when we're so inspired by someone's posts...
To keep everyone healthy at Pate-Meadows, we have a fitness trainer come to our loft twice a week and offer an hour-long group workout for our employees. In addition we have two elliptical machines and a Nautilis Smith Weight Machine for our employees to use. Our trainer, Ron McNeely, has been coming for over a year now and we don't know what we would do without him. Caterina makes her usual fashion statement!