1979 was a very memorable year  ........  A lot of things ended and a lot of things began for me that year .......

It's the year I graduated from my beloved Huffman High School........

        it's the same year Danny and got I married .............

and it just so happens to be the same year our traditional ranch was built here in beautiful, historic Franklin, TN.

I'm told, it was built by an artist by the name of Ronnie Dove.

One of his big hits back in the 60's was Right or Wrong.  Here he is on  American Bandstand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIZLXhC8Xw0.

He had a very successful music career until he changed record labels and invested quite a bit of his money into the label.  When the label went bankrupt, unfortunately, he did as well - or so I'm told.   We understand the Dixon's, purchased the home through the bankruptcy.   He never lived here so technically the Dixon's were the first and only occupants before us.

Nothing had been changed since the 70's.  Even the original sculptured carpet remained.
Here's the great room and how about that chandelier (which happens to be the topic of the next blog ...... you won't believe the transformation).  

I have to say, regardless of how old everything was, Fran Dixon was a meticulous housekeeper.  When we pulled up said "sculptured carpet" to replace it with hardwood flooring, we found no dirt underneath!  This house was as if it was practically brand new.  We literally felt as though we were back in 1979. Everything was original.  And it all worked.  They took such good care of everything.

On occasion, I've been accused of ripping out perfectly good finishes just see if Danny will put it back together  - maybe  - but not this house - I felt horrible ripping out walls and carpet and cabinets because they were in such good condition - I felt like Fran Dixon might just be rolling over in her grave - But it had to be done .... there simply was no functionality for today's lifestyle.

So I took on the task - along with my favorite demo buddy, Danny, and we set out, once again, to make a house our own.  I have to say, though, we're taking it slower this time - and I'm not sure it's by choice.  It's probably because WE are slower.  But that's ok.

It just gives me a reason to spend more time in my favorite creative space ............
OutOnThaPorch !!!!!

OutOnThaPorch photo courtesy of Southern Lady Magazine


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