Flea Market Finds ..........

Can you guess what item in this photo came from the Flea Market?

My favorite demo buddy, Danny and I love a good flea market. It's so interesting to see what folks come up with to display on their tables in hopes to make a buck or two.

If you've never been to the Nashville Flea Market
at the Fairgrounds you're missing out !!!  
We try to plan for our friends from The Ham to always visit us here in beautiful, historic Franklin, TN on the last weekend of the month so we can all ponder around to see just what kind of goodies will make it home with us.

There are tables and booths galore!

For some reason though, I don't always find what I'm looking for at the time I'm looking for it.........but I always find something for another project...........

So on this trip, I ran across these beauties.  Got them for $15. 

I've been wishing I had a bench at the foot of my bed but, since I have my bed up on risers, it's really tall, so any bench I found always seemed to look like a step at the foot of my bed rather than a bench.  So when I saw these, I knew right away they would be perfect for my bench.

And they were really heavy - cast iron.  So since Danny and I like to eat - I knew they would hold up.

I've always loved a deep tufted look but never thought I did it correctly.  So I watched videos of my friends in the upholstery business.  One of my friends, Kim Chagnon from Kim's Upholstery has some really good ones on FB.

I got my favorite demo buddy, Danny to build a frame out of 2x4s with a little wedge in the corners that would accept the leg at an angle.  Rather than mounting them facing the front or the side.
I covered the bench in this beautiful silk pink check.

You guys are going to be sick of seeing it by the time I share all the projects Ive used it on.  I recently used it on the latest project for Southern Lady Magazine.

Now that it's done I couldn't be happier.  

I'm no upholstery craftsman like my friends Kim Chagnon or Grant Trick but as I always say, it'll do!

If you want to know step-by-step how I did it, check out the Tips section of the website for a Snapguild on how to make your tufted bench.

Just another project I dreamed up while relaxing ................
OutOnThaPorch !

OutOnThaPorch photo courtesy of Southern Lady Magazine

Special thanks to my sweet little photographer-in-training, Cassidy Joy  Reynolds for her contributions !


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